Redesign of Laboratory Facilities Layout Quality Control at PT. Industri Kimia

Putri Dwi Octaviani, Yanty Maryanty


PT. The chemical industry is a company that has been producing hydrogen peroxide since 1992. One of the essential roles of this chemical factory is the Quality Control Laboratory, which functions to analyze raw materials and hydrogen peroxide products before distributing them to consumers to ensure product quality. Based on the standard of laboratory quality management system, SNI ISO/IEC 17025:2008 states that in order to facilitate the correctness of test performance, the laboratory must monitor, control and record the temperature and humidity in the testing room because it will have an impact on the validity of the quality of the data produced—however, Procurement of test equipment facilities in the QC laboratory of PT. The chemical industry is not supported by good facility layout planning, so it is necessary to rearrange the layout, including the function of equipment and materials and the conditioning of utility and electricity systems. The laboratory layout redesign parameters used are floor area measurement, ARC (Activity Relationship Chart) analysis, and ARD (Activity Relationship Diagram) analysis. The study results are in the form of calculating the total closeness rating value on the activity proximity relationship diagram, the largest value is the sample space of 6200, and the lowest value is the computer room of 200. From these calculations, a layout template for testing laboratory facilities is created based on the order of the highest total closeness rating value to the smallest value so that a laboratory layout will be obtained according to the SNI ISO/IEC 17025:2008 standard and can create an effective and efficient work environment.


chemical industry; laboratory design; laboratory layout design, quality control; quality management system

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Spesifikasi Peralatan Laboratorium Quality Control sesuai standard (diakses 8 Desember 2022)

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