Peningkatan Kesejahteraan Masyarakat Kelompok Pengrajin Mebel di Desa Sawahan Kecamatan Turen Kabupaten Malang

Handika Setya Wijaya, Sinar Perbawani Abrina Anggraini, Asnah Asnah


Micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) processing wood in furniture is Wahyuillahi Furniture in Turen District, Malang Regency. This furniture business has been developed for about three years and continues today. The purpose of this activity is to develop the production of Wahyuillahi Furniture's furniture business by improving the quality of the production and packaging process through increasing the capacity of human resources, which is expected to increase the marketing reach of partners wider so that partners' income will increase and can improve the standard of living of the family. The method used is to provide training on marketing communication techniques, training and mentoring on E-Commerce; Provide tool assistance in the form of a more effective combination of a planner and a split saw; Provide training on BEP analysis and SWOT analysis, and simple finance; Conduct counseling and training activities on the understanding of engineered wood and furniture design. The service results are an increase in production from 0.8125 m3/month to 1.6 m3/month; The increase in consumer needs is increasing by an average of 17%. Turnover increased by 400%. The types of products produced increased by 200%. The refining process time is about three times faster; The length of the wood splitting process is 2.5 times faster; The number of marketing areas increased 2.5 times. The next plan is that the service team will periodically visit partners, namely Wahyu divine furniture, to help solve the problem.


Salah satu usaha mikro kecil menengah (UMKM) pengolahan kayu berupa mebel bernama Mebel Wahyuillahi Furniture di Kecamatan Turen Kabupaten Malang. Usaha mebel ini telah dikembangkan sekitar 3 tahun dan bertahan hingga saat ini. Tujuan kegiatan ini adalah mengembangkan produksi usaha mebel Wahyuillahi Furniture dengan memperbaiki kualitas proses produksi dan pengemasan melalui peningkatkan kemampuan SDM yang diharapankan dapat meningkatkan daya jangkau pemasaran mitra semakin luas, sehingga pendapatan mitra akan bertambah dan dapat meningkatkan taraf hidup keluarga. Metode yang digunakan adalah memberikan pelatihan tentang teknik komunikasi pemasaran, pelatihan dan pendampingan tentang E-Commerce; Memberikan bantuan alat berupa kombinasi multifungsi alat planner dan gergaji belah yang lebih efektif; Memberikan pelatihan tentang analisa BEP dan analisis SWOT, dan keuangan sederhana; Melakukan kegiatan penyuluhan dan pelatihan tentang pemahaman kayu rekayasa dan design furniture. Hasil pengabdian yaitu peningkatan produksi yang awalnya 0.8125 m3/bulan menjadi 1.6 m3/bulan; Peningkatan kebutuhan konsumen rata-rata naik 17%. Omzet naik 400%. Jenis produk yang dihasilkan naik 200%. Lama proses penghalusan menjadi lebih cepat sekitar 3 kali lipat; Lama proses pembelahan kayu lebih cepat 2,5 kali lipat; Jumlah daerah pemasaran naik 2,5 kali lipat. Rencana selanjutnya yaitu tim pengabdi akan secara berkala mengunjungi mitra yaitu Wahyu illahi furniture untuk membantu pemecahan problem solving.


business improvement; multifunction tool assistance; increase in turnover

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