Peningkatan Nilai Produktivitas Usaha Bumbu Pecel Dengan Menggunakan Alat Sangrai Otomatis
Kebanyakan para pedagang bumbu pecel mengeluhkan saat proses penggorengan yang membutuhkan waktu yang lama hingga benar-benar matang merata, sehingga menyita banyak waktu saat proses pembuatannya. Hal ini mempengaruhi kualitas maupun kuantitas hasil proses produksi. Dibutuhkan efektivitas waktu saat pembuatan bumbu pecel sehingga akan meningkatkan produktivitas usaha bumbu pecel. Salah satu mitra usaha yaitu bumbu pecel “Bu Firda” yang membutuhkan perbaikan kualitas maupun kuantitas produk untuk menambah pendapatan keluarga. Perbaikan kualitas dan kuantitas bumbu pecel dengan membuat alat sangrai kacang secara otomatis untuk memaksimalkan hasil produk. Pada Program Kemitraan Masyarakat ini akan memberikan kegiatan antara lain memberikan pelatihan, penyuluhan dan pendampingan analisis kelayakan usaha menggunakan metode Break Event Point, penyusunan laporan keuangan, teknik kendali mutu produk, mendesain kemasan supaya lebih menarik serta pelatihan operasional alat sangrai sekaligus cara perawatannya. Selain itu, mitra juga diberikan pelatihan pemasaran e-commerce melalui media internet agar penjualan semakin luas sehingga menambah penghasilan bagi keluarga. Hasil dari kegiatan ini antara lain penghasilan meningkat menjadi 58%, kapasitas bertambah 50%, efektivitas waktu meningkat hingga 56%, luas pemasaran meningkat 50% dan beban pekerjaan lebih ringan dan cepat.
Kata kunci : alat sangrai, bumbu pecel, produktivitas, analisis BEP.
Most pecel seasoners complain about the frying process which takes a long time until it is completely cooked evenly, so it takes up a lot of time during the manufacturing process. This affects the quality and quantity of the production process. It takes the effectiveness of time when making pecel spices so that it will increase the productivity of pecel spices. One of the business partners is the "Bu Firda" pecel seasoning which requires product quality and quantity improvements to increase family income. Improving the quality and quantity of pecel seasoning by automatically making peanut roaster to maximize product yield. The Community Partnership Program will provide activities including providing training, counseling and mentoring business feasibility analysis using the Break Event Point method, preparing financial reports, product quality control techniques, designing packaging to make it more attractive and training in roasting equipment as well as how to maintain it. In addition, partners are also given e-commerce marketing training through internet media so that sales will be broader so as to increase income for families. The results of this activity included income increased to 58%, capacity increased by 50%, time effectiveness increased by 56%, marketing area increased by 50% and work load was lighter and faster.
Kata kunci : alat sangrai, bumbu pecel, produktivitas, analisis BEP.
Most pecel seasoners complain about the frying process which takes a long time until it is completely cooked evenly, so it takes up a lot of time during the manufacturing process. This affects the quality and quantity of the production process. It takes the effectiveness of time when making pecel spices so that it will increase the productivity of pecel spices. One of the business partners is the "Bu Firda" pecel seasoning which requires product quality and quantity improvements to increase family income. Improving the quality and quantity of pecel seasoning by automatically making peanut roaster to maximize product yield. The Community Partnership Program will provide activities including providing training, counseling and mentoring business feasibility analysis using the Break Event Point method, preparing financial reports, product quality control techniques, designing packaging to make it more attractive and training in roasting equipment as well as how to maintain it. In addition, partners are also given e-commerce marketing training through internet media so that sales will be broader so as to increase income for families. The results of this activity included income increased to 58%, capacity increased by 50%, time effectiveness increased by 56%, marketing area increased by 50% and work load was lighter and faster.
roaster; pecel; productivity; BEP analysis
Full Text:
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