Pengabdian pada Masyarakat Kegiatan Perencanaan dan Pelaksanaan Gapura Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi di RW 01, RW 06, RW 08 Kelurahan Tlogomas Malang
Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi (Unitri) merupakan salah satu perguruan tinggi swasta yang secara geografis terletak di Jl. Telaga Warna blok C, Tlogomas Malang. Letak kampus yang masuk wilayah pemukiman warga menjadi kendala bagi calon mahasiswa dan masyarakat awam yang belum mengetahui letak Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi dengan baik. Adapun permasalahan lain karena tidak tersedianya akses penunjuk jalan menuju kampus tersebut. Hal inilah yang menginsipirasi dilaksanakannya pengabdian masyarakat berupa perencanaan dan pelaksanaan gapura Unitri sebagai penunjuk arah sekaligus ikon kampus Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi. Gapura ini memiliki dimensi sebagai berikut; luas alas 1,33 x 1,04m, tinggi 6,65m, jumlah undakan 38bh, sama untuk kedua sisinya. RAB gapura Unitri membutuhkan dana Rp. 41.900.000.00, dengan waktu pelaksanaan 2 bulan. Adapun tujuan pengabdiaan masyarakat ini adalah; (1). Pembangunan gapura Unitri sebagai akses penunjuk jalan menuju kampus Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi. (2). Menciptakan bangunan yang memiliki nilai estetika dan menerapkan konsep kerajaan Majapahit. (3). Menciptakan eksistensi kampus dan beberapa rw terkait serta dapat digunakan sebagai media promosi. Metode yang digunakan oleh penulis adalah metode difusi iptek. Pengabdian masyarakat ini menghasilkan sebuah produk desain gapura Unitri. Pelaksanaan pengabdian masyarakat diperoleh kesimpulan sebagai berikut; (1). Tersedianya akses penunjuk jalan menuju kampus Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi. (2). Menciptakan bangunan yang memiliki nilai estetika dan menerapkan konsep Majapahit, yang merupakan identitas Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi. (3). Digunakan sebagai media promosi kampus dan kepentingan rw terkait.
Tribhuwana Tunggadewi University (Unitri) is one of the private higher education institutions that is geographically located at Telaga Warna street blok C, Tlogomas Malang. Location of the campus input the residential area is an obstacle for prospective students and the general public who do not know the location of Tribhuwana Tunggadewi University well. As for other problems because of the unavailability access to the road guide to that located. This is what inspires the implementation of community service in the form of planning and implementing the Gate Unitri as a guide and Unitri icon. Gate Unitri has the use dimensions ; base area 1.33 x 1.04m, height 6.65m, number of steps 38, same for both sides . RAB Gate Unitri needs Rp. 41,900,000.00 , with a execution time of 2 months. The purpose of this community service is ; (1). Archway Construction Unitri is the access guide to Unitri. (2). Creating buildings that have aesthetic value and applying the Unitri concept . (3). Creating the existence of campuses and some rw related and can be used as promotional media. The method used is the author by science and technology diffusion method. This community service produces a gate design product Unitri . The implementation of community service is concluded as follows; (1). The availability of access to the road guide to Unitri. (2). The success of applying the concept of the Majapahit kingdom was in accordance with the name identity of the University of Tribhuwana Tunggadewi. (3). Maked as media promotion of campus and interests rw related.
Tribhuwana Tunggadewi University (Unitri) is one of the private higher education institutions that is geographically located at Telaga Warna street blok C, Tlogomas Malang. Location of the campus input the residential area is an obstacle for prospective students and the general public who do not know the location of Tribhuwana Tunggadewi University well. As for other problems because of the unavailability access to the road guide to that located. This is what inspires the implementation of community service in the form of planning and implementing the Gate Unitri as a guide and Unitri icon. Gate Unitri has the use dimensions ; base area 1.33 x 1.04m, height 6.65m, number of steps 38, same for both sides . RAB Gate Unitri needs Rp. 41,900,000.00 , with a execution time of 2 months. The purpose of this community service is ; (1). Archway Construction Unitri is the access guide to Unitri. (2). Creating buildings that have aesthetic value and applying the Unitri concept . (3). Creating the existence of campuses and some rw related and can be used as promotional media. The method used is the author by science and technology diffusion method. This community service produces a gate design product Unitri . The implementation of community service is concluded as follows; (1). The availability of access to the road guide to Unitri. (2). The success of applying the concept of the Majapahit kingdom was in accordance with the name identity of the University of Tribhuwana Tunggadewi. (3). Maked as media promotion of campus and interests rw related.
gate; unitri; icon
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Wardoyo, Aryadi. Lurah tlogomas Malang. diwawancarai oleh penulis, Tlogomas, Malang, 28 september 2018
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