Penerapan Sistem Informasi Pembayaran Iuran Berbasis Komputer pada Pusat Kegiatan Belajar Masyarakat Zamzam
Kata kunci : komunitas belajar; PKBM; sistem informasi; aplikasi
One of the managerial competencies of the non formal education manager A, B and C learning group package was established by the national education department. That competencies was to organize the implementation of Equality Education in terms of regulating the implementation of programs that include information systems. The aim of the community service activities at this time is to support the achievement of managerial competence of PKBM (Community Learning Activity Centers) in the application of information systems on student tuition payment with computer-based. The activity method is divided into three stages, namely; (1) preliminary observation / interview and system development (2) applicate of applications and operational training (3) evaluation and monitoring. After going through the three stages of the activity, one product was finally produced in a computer-based application called Makbuku. The Makbuku application was developed specifically to meet the needs of Zamzam PKBM so that the institution can manage student tuition payment data in one application. The existence of the Makbuku Application is expected to be able to strengthen the managerial PKBM Zamzam specifically and improve quality of the learning community initiated by the public.
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