Usamah Usamah, Moegiri Moegiri


This research aims to measure the achievement of zakat management activities and
provide an overview of the extent of the role of the government and society or referred to as
the macro dimension as well as in the institutional perspective of zakat as well as the impact
of zakat on mustahik which is included in the micro dimension, The approach used is
quantitative and the methode of the National Zakat Index (IZN) as an instrument for
measuring the performance of zakat management at the Pekalongan City Baznas., Result and
discussions: Based on the calculation results of BAZNAS Pekalongan City Permit on the
macro dimension is worth in the range 0.00 – 1.00 where this index is in the good category
and on the micro dimension is worth 0.75 this index is in the good category. So that the
results of the Aggregate BAZNAS score for Pekalongan City are 0.516., The results of this
study are in accordance with previous research conducted by Hidayaneu (2017) at the
Bandung City BAZNAS, Nadhia (2017) at the South Jakarta City BAZIS, Yunita (2017) at the
Yogyakarta City BAZNAS, Ulfah (2017) at the Bogor Regency BAZNAS. Conclusion: That
value above illustrates the performance achievement of Pekalongan City BAZNAS zakat
management in the Fairly Good category the result report and the information about the


BAZNAS, The Performance, National Zakat Index

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