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The manuscript is the result of community service that is original (own work) and has never been published before. Manuscripts that have been submitted become the property of the editor and may not be published again in any form.
Articles are written using the following format, A4 paper with a size of 210×297 millimeters. Page layout with top, bottom, left and right side paper borders with a size of 2.5 centimeters. Header and foother height of 1.25 centimeters. Do not exceed borders (for example, text, tables, figures, and formulas). Maximum 10 pages of paper and positioned on the right and top left. The writing page uses Times New Roman 12 pt font size.
The title uses bold capitalization, font 18; with 1.5 spaces. The distance between the title and the author's name is 1.5 spaces. Each sub chapter uses times new roman with size 12 pt.
The author's full name is listed without academic degrees, under the author's name the institution's address and email are written, in the center of the page using times new roman 11 pt font size; 1 space. While the author's name and institutional information and email use times new roman 10 pt font size. Authors who become corresponding authors are given a symbol (*).
Abstracts are written in Indonesian / English or both. Maximum abstract consists of 250 words written in a single column format whereas key words are written with a maximum letter of six words, separated by semicolons. Written using Times New Roman letters 10 pt, italic, 1 space.
In this section, the developer describes the facts that inspire and become the focus of the implementation of community service activities (PKM). If necessary, the location of PKM activities by the universities involved can be included. The presentation is a regional problem in the form of existing conditions of small/medium business resources, communities or universities or the needs of medium, small and micro enterprises (MSMEs) in the community. For MSMEs, efforts that have been received by other parties to small/medium enterprises, communities or universities are also presented. The main objectives of PPM activities are also conveyed [1].
This section contains a description of the main problems or needs of MSMEs, which are mutually agreed to be resolved or the main challenges of the Higher Education which are the target of the activity. The source of inspiration does not mean work partners or the College itself, but rather the actual challenges, problems or needs of the College, business world or community.
In this section the author describes the techniques or ways to solve the challenges, problems or basic needs that are the target of the activity or collective agreement. One of the following methods or a combination of two or more methods can be chosen:
1. Community Education
For a) training activities such as in-house training; b) continuing education; c) scientific refresher training, d) counseling aimed at increasing understanding (for example in the fields of law, religion, regulations) so as to make people aware of possible misunderstandings so that a solution can be found.
2. Consultation
For activities where the problems or needs of small or medium enterprises or the community are resolved through consulting services with universities.
3. Diffusion of Science and Technology
For activities that produce products for consumers both internal and external to the University.
4. Training
For activities that involve a) counseling on the substance of the activity, followed by a demonstration to construct or realize it, b) training to operate the system or equipment donated, c) or formation of new entrepreneurial groups, and d) offering certified services to the community by the University.
5. Mediation
For activities a) Community Service implementers in their activities place themselves as arbiters or mediators of conflicting parties and b) or together with the community solve problems that require the services of government or private institutions.
6. Science and Technology Simulation
For activities where the main work is an information system or the like that aims to explain something that cannot be done as it should be physically or real.
7. Science and Technology Substitution
For activities that offer new, more modern and efficient science and technology to small or medium enterprises, communities.
Tables and Figures
The table title is written using Times New Roman font with a font size of 10 pt font, single-spaced, printed above the table with left-aligned. The numbering system is the Arabic numbering system.
Tables are created directly after the table title, left-aligned. Column headings are framed top-bottom, center-aligned. The bottom row is made with one closing frame line. Table contents are typed using Times New Roman font with a maximum size equal to the text (10pt) or smaller as needed. Notes on terms in the table are typed directly below the table using a 10 pt font (space 1, 10 pt). The table is presented at the bottom or above the layout. An example of a table can be seen in Table 1.
Grooves, photos, drawings, frameworks, concepts, maps, or mathematical formulas are placed proportionally in the center of the manuscript with a distance between the parangraph above it and below it is one space. Titles are placed below and proportionally centered following the Arabic numbering system except mathematical formulas with 1 space, 10 pt font size (Figure 1).
Photos that are copyrighted must include the name of the copyright owner. A collection of several photos made into one title, arranged in such a way, is given a description so that it is easy for readers to understand. Mathematical formulas are written in accordance with the original with the numbering placed on the right side with the Arabic numbering system and written in parentheses. The caption (if needed) is placed below the formula with a font size of 10 pt and one space (space 1, 10 pt font size).
Metric units are more widely used in publications amidst differences in perception and convenience of using these units in various fields. In particular, the use of the International System of Units which has been accepted as the main unit in the international world. This system includes basic unit subsystems such as meter, kilogram, second, and ampere (MKSA).
Writing Equations
Using the Microsoft Equation Editor or MathType, add to all formulas in the paper (Insert | Microsoft Equation or MathType Equation). "Float over text" does not have to be selected. To complete the equation, you can use a solidus (/), an exponential function, or an appropriate exponential. Roman symbols are italicized for quantifiers and variables but not for Greek symbols. It is better to use a long line rather than a hyphen to indicate a minus sign. Use parentheses to avoid denominator ambiguity.
Equations are numbered according to their starters and numbers are bracketed to the right of the equation. Ensure that the symbols in the equation are defined before they appear.
In this section describes or contains terms or models (for services, new skills, new socio-culture), dimensions and specifications (for goods or equipment) which are the main works of activities as solutions that are passed on to the community directly or indirectly. The author describes the data on the results of Community Service and data collection and analysis techniques. Photographs relevant to the services or goods produced should be displayed as the main work.
Numbering for reference citations uses brackets [1]. Punctuation in the sentence is in the form of brackets [2]. If more than one reference is used, it is written as follows [2], [3], each reference number is separated by a hyphen [1]-[3]. Refer to simple numbering, such as [3]. Do not use "Ref. [3]" or "Reference [3]" except at the beginning of a sentence: "Reference [3] shows...."
The numbering of footnotes is separated by using superscripts. Place the main footnote at the bottom of the column where the word/sentence is cited. Do not place footnotes in the bibliography. Use letters for footnotes. Tables and figures use Times new roman Arabic numbering. Appendices of figures and tables are numbered consecutively according to the appearance of the tables and figures.Penomeran footnote dipisahkan dengan menggu-nakan superscripts. Penempatan footnote utama pada bagian bawah kolom di mana kata/kalimat itu disitasi. Jangan meletakkan footnote pada daftar pustaka. Gunakan huruf untuk footnote. Tabel dan gambar menggunakan penomeran arab Times new roman. Apendik gambar dan tabel diberi nomer berurutan sesuai dengan pemunculan tabel dan gambar tersebut.
Abbreviations and Acronyms
Abbreviations and acronyms used in the paper should be explained at the beginning of the sentence, even if they have been explained in the abstract. Abbreviations such as IEEE, SI, MKS, CGS, ac, dc, and rms do not have to be defined. Do not use abbreviations in the title even though it is not prohibited.
In this section, the author elaborates on: the advantages and disadvantages of the work mentioned in the Main Work in harmony with the conditions of small/medium enterprises, communities or consumers. The level of difficulty of implementation or manufacture and opportunities for problems are also conveyed. If possible, new works that are in line with the development and needs of the community can be presented. This is to enable new tools/methods to have important and strategic value with regard to strengthening the real sector in society.
In this section, the author presents the level of achievement of activity targets in the field (quantitatively). This level of achievement does not apply if the program is a mono-year program because the level of achievement must be 100%. It is also necessary to explain the accuracy between the problems, needs or challenges addressed and the methods applied. The conclusion is presented in the form of 1 paragraph.
In this section, the author describes the social or cultural changes of partners using performance indicators commonly used in their respective scientific fields (including changes in the ability to manage bookkeeping, use of the internet in marketing, environmental awareness, etc.).
The economic development of partners or PT after the activity ends using company performance indicators such as annual turnover or revenue or others. This can also be displayed in the form of a graph to show an increase in annual turnover. The author can also convey future empowerment steps. This activity can involve several competent parties.
Libraries are very important for the readers. Therefore, every citation must be complete and correct. The style of writing the bibliography is recommended by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) style.
The sources used are the latest journal articles (less than 5 years), the latest books (less than 10 years), the latest final project (Thesis/Dissertation) (less than 5 years), proceedings (online and less than 5 years), and government publications (latest). Literature sources used are at least 10 sources and if more will be good. Where 70% use journal articles and 30% consist of books and others.
The bibliography in the form of journals must include all author names, year, complete title, publication name, volume number and page number. For books, write all author names, editors (if any), year, complete title, publisher, and place. The following describes an example of writing a bibliography. An example of the writing format is as follows:
Journal article:
[1] Wibowo, M. 2009. Tingkat Kepekaan Lingkungan Pesisir di Kota Semarang. Jurnal Hidrosfir Indonesia, 4(1):17-22.
[2] Fung, T and Wong, F.K.K. 2007. Ecotourism Planning Using Multiple Criteria Evaluation with GIS. Journal of Geocarto International, 22(2):87-105. Doi:
[3] Cheng, S., Jing, H., Dorothy, F., and Yuting, Z. 2011. Tea Tourism Development in Xinyang, China: Stakeholder View. Journal of Tourism Management Perspective, 2(3):28-34.
[4] Budiyono, D. Perencanaan Lanskap Kawasan Pesisir. Rizki. Banten.
[5] Damanik, J dan Helmud, F.W. 2006. Perencanaan Ekowisata. Andi. Yokyakarta.
[6] Sitawati, Nurlaelih, E.E., dan Damayanti, D.R.R. 2019. Urban Farming. Brawiyaja Press. Malang.
[7] Suarna, I. M. 1990. Improvement of field System Forage and Food Crop Production in Seasonal Drought Prone Area in Indonesia. Ph.D. Disertation (unpublished). Okayama University. Japan.
[8] Budiyono, D. 2014. Perencanaan Lanskap Pesisir Lalong Kota Luwuk di Sulawesi Tengah. Thesis. Departemen Arsitektur lanskap. Institut Pertanian Bogor. Bogor.
Seminar Proceedings:
[9] Head, G. 2004. Adapting Insect Resistance Management Strategy for Transgemic Bt Crops to Developing World Needs. Proceedings of International Seminar on Advanced Agriculture Engineering and Farm Work Operation. Bogor. 25-26 August 2004. ISBN: 978-980-96108-7-3. Halaman 16-20.
[10] Santoso, A dan Sumarno, A. 2006. Studi Penyempurnaan Teknis pada Kapal Ikan Tipe Sekoci 10 GT dengan Menggunakan Model Komputer. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Hasil-hasil Penelitian Perikanan dan Kelautan. Universitas Brawijaya. 20-21 Februari 2006. ISBN: 978-979-95107-6-2. Halaman 20-25.
Important Documents/Government Publications:
[11] Direktorat Perlindungan Hortikultura. 2013. Pedoman Teknis Kegiatan Pengembangan Sistem Perlindungan Hortikultura Tahun 2014. Direktorat Jenderal Hortikultura Kementrian Pertanian Republik Indonesia. Jakarta. 120 Halaman.
[12] Direktorat Pupuk dan Pestisida 2016. Pestisida Pertanian dan Kehutan Tahun 2016. Direktorat Jenderal Sarana dan Prasarana Pertanian Kementrian Pertanian Tepublik Indonesia. Jakarta 1098.
This section contains thanks to the parties who are most instrumental in helping the activities run smoothly and/or succeed. Acknowledgments are made to funders, partners, district or city governments, leaders of universities, and so on, which in this case are adjusted by the author.
Authors can access in full by downloading on the Article Template page.
Debora Budiyono: 081333369595, Email: [email protected].
After the manuscript or article is declared accepted (through checking the format, content, and turnitin plagiarism) by the editor, the author is required to complete the administrative fee. After that the author will get a LOA from JAPI by sending proof of payment (receipt).
Manuscripts published online and in print will cost IDR 450,000, - (four hundred and fifty thousand rupiah) and the author gets one JAPI print journal which will be sent to the author's address.
Account Number BNI (88-333-88-779) Tribhuwana Tunggadewi University.
Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
- The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
- The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
- Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
- The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
- The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
- If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.
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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.