Kardiana Zendha Avalentina, Dyah Worowirastri Ekowati, Rizki Juni Sulistyawati


This research was conducted to improve the learning outcomes of grade 1 students by using the PBL learning model through the TPACK approach in Pancasila Education lessons. Method: The type of research used was PTK which was carried out over 2 cycles. see student learning outcomes after using the PBL learning model through the TPAC approach. An increase in learning outcomes at the second meeting was achieved, getting a percentage of 92.50% with the "very good" criteria, in teacher activities getting a percentage of 89.50% with the "very good" criteria, while in student learning outcomes getting a percentage of 93.50% with the criteria " finished." So this model can be used in the classroom learning process.


learning outcomes; Pancasila education; PBL; TPACK

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