Penerapan Modifikasi Psikoedukasi Pada Penderita Diabetes Mellitus Tipe2

Nailiy Huzaimah


Controlled blood glucose level is one of the success indicator of the diabetes management. A good comprehension, high self-efficacy, and good family support is needed to encourage and strengthen the effort of individuals to achieved good behavioral diabetes self-management, which helped to control blood glucose level. This study aimed to determine the Psychoeducation Modification’s effects on comprehension, self-efficacy, family support, behavioral diabetes self-management, and blood glucose level of people with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM).
This study used pre and post test control group design. Respondents of this research are population with T2DM and their families who are undergoing outpatient treatment at Internal Medicine Outpatient Unit of Dr. H. Moh. Anwar Sumenep Hospital (n = 40). Collecting data included the patients comprehension, self-efficacy, behavioral self-management of diabetes, family support, and random blood glucose level. Data collection used questionnaires and the laboratory test of blood glucose level, then analyzed by a different test with the α value <0.05.
Results of statistical test with Mann Whitney U test showed the differences in comprehension, self-efficacy, and family support between the treatment group and the control group. Results of different test independent samples in the treatment group using paired T-test and Wilcoxon signed rank test showed that Psychoeducation Modification improved people with T2DM’s comprehension (p=0.007), self-efficacy (p=0.002), the behavior of the management of diabetes self (p=0,004), family support (p=0.001) and random blood glucose level (p=0,013).
Psychoeducation modifications need to be implemented by health provider, particularly nursing staff to help people with T2DM improving their diabetes self-management behaviors, to achieve controled blood glucose level.


perilaku pengelolaan diabetes mandiri; dukungan keluarga; kadar glukosa darah; psikoedukasi; diabetes mellitus tipe 2

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