Savira Ayu Ningtias, Rusmini Rusmini, Titik Taufikurohmah



Some countries including Indonesia are currently affected by Covid-19 Pandemic. It absolutely causes a health crisis that generally attacks the body's immune system. Efforts are needed not to be affected by coronavirus, one of which can be conducted by providing health water with nanogold-nanosilver with a concentration of 20 ppm in which nanogold plays a role in strengthening the body's immune system at the cellular level while nanosilver acts as a catalyst for the body's immune system to prevent and kill pathogens. This research aimed to determine the effect of giving nanogold-nanosilver on increasing body immunity in healing complaints of serious illness and minor illness in the 230 people affected by the Covid-19 Sidoarjo cluster. The method used in this research was descriptive quantitative by distributing 150 mL of nanogold-nanosilver in a drinking water mixture to the Sidoarjo cluster people for 10 days in April. Data were obtained from the results of interviews every three times a day, the respondent's response had a significant effect by giving nanogold-nanosilver. It could boost body immunity as evidenced by improving body fitness, healing minor ailments (coughs, colds, menstruation, stomach acid, and acne and spots on the face) ) to recover serious diseases (kidney stones and breast pain). Furthermore, data would be processed in the form of bar chart. Thus, nanogold-nanosilver is able to maintain healthy conditions for people during a pandemic. Therefore, nanogold-nanosilver is expected to be a medicine of the future.


Keywords: Body immunity; Nanogold; Nansosilver.



Saat ini berbagai negara khususnya Indonesia telah tedampak pandemi Covid-19, tentunya mengakibatkan krisis kesehatan yang pada umumnya menyerang sistem imun tubuh. Perlu adanya upaya agar tidak terserang coronavirus, salah satunya bisa dilakukan dengan pemberian air kesehatan nanogold-nanosilver dengan konsentrasi 20 ppm dimana nanogold berperan memperkuat sistem imun tubuh tingkat sel sedangkan nanosilverberperan sebagai katalisator sistem imun tubuh untuk mencegah serta membunuh patogen. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian nanogold-nanosilver terhadap peningkatan imunitas tubuh dalam penyembuhan keluhan sakit berat maupun sakit ringan terhadap 230 masyarakat terdampak Covid-19 kluster Sidoarjo. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu kuantitatif deskriptif dengan membagikan 150 mL nanogold-nanosilver dalam campuran air minum kepada masyarakat kluster Sidoarjo selama 10 hari dalam bulan April. Data diperoleh dari hasil wawancara setiap tiga kali minum, respon responden memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan dengan pemberian nanogold-nanosilver dapat meningkatkan imun tubuh dibuktikan dengan meningkatkan kebugaran tubuh, penyembuhan penyakit ringan (batuk, pilek, menstruasi, asam lambung, serta jerawat dan flek di wajah) hingga memulihkan penyakit berat (batu ginjal dan nyeri payudara). Selanjutnya data akan diolah dalam bentuk diagram batang. Dengan demikian, nanogold-nanosilver mampu mempertahankan kondisi masyarakat tetap sehat di masa pandemi. Sehingga nanogold-nanosilver diharapkan bisa menjadi obat masa depan.


Kata kunci: Imun tubuh; Nanogold; Nanosilver


Body immunity, Nanogold, Nansosilver.

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