Ferry Ardhiansyah, Kamilah Budhi R, Ari Suwondo


Measles is a very contagious disease and still a health problem in Indonesia. Immunization coverage of measles BIAS in Pesawaran District is quite good (98.8%), but the incidence measles outbreaks in elementary school-age children still occur, this can be caused by various child factors, maternal and environmental factors. The purpose to examine the factors that influence outbreaks of measles are children of primary school age. The observational analytics study design with a mix methods approach. The participants consist of 27 cases and 54 controls, in-depth interviews with UKS teachers. Dependent variable was measles outbreak incidence in primary school age, independent variables were contact history, maternal age, maternal education, occupancy density, and UKS teacher knowledge. Bivariate using Chi Square test and multivariate analysis using logistic regression test. The result of bivariate analysis showed that there was a correlation between contact history (p=0,001), maternal age (p=0,009), occupancy density (p=0,023) with the incidence of measles outbreaks of primary school age children. Logistic regression test showed the significance value of contact history (p= 0,024), occupancy density (p=0,036), The result of in-depth interviews UKS teacher knowledge about measles is good. Conclusion of the factors that influence the incidence of measles outbreaks of primary school age children is a history of contact and occupany density with probability 83,25%. This research needs to be continued by examining other risk factors such as nutritional status, areas prone to outbreaks and implementation of the Clean and Healthy Behavior Program (PHBS) in schools.


Chidren of primary school age; measles outbreak; contact history.

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