Madyana Retnaning Hastuti, Andy Fefta Wijaya, Siti Rochmah


Civil Servant as an engine of development requires equal attention to the development itself. Civil Servant is expected to be able to achieve national goals. Due to the high expectacy by the people or organizations to make the research on the development of these Civil Servant is very important.
This is a descriptive research with a qualitative approach. While the purpose of this study is to investigate, analyze and interpret th planning of civil servant development in Bojonegoro and its supporting and contrain factors.The planning of Civil Servant development in Bojonegoro includes assessing the current human resource capacity, forecasting human resource requirement, gap analysis, developing human resource strategies to support organization strategies that support the the regency’s vision and mission. The supporting factors of the planning of Civil Servant development is adequate funding, adequate infrastructure, supports by government's commitment, and also support by the mandates of government regulations that require regional planning, including the Civil Servant development. While the contrain factor is that planners still less competent employees, the changes of Act No. 5 of 2014 there has been no implementation guidance yet, policy about the structural position.
The planning of Civil Servant development in Bojonegoro is a good plan because it has been through the stages in accordance with the theory.


Planning; Development; Civil Servant; Human Resource

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