Ignatius Adiwidjaja, Agung Suprojo


Abstract: Poverty is a scourge for human life, everything must be done immediately so that people can get out of the cycle of poverty. Various programs were also launched by the government to be able to help people who are exposed to financial powerlessness. The Family Hope Program is one of the efforts made by the government but the distribution of funds for the PKH program until now is still not right on target, this is because the Batu City government continues to use population census data that has not been updated or old data (Kompasiana). The proximity factor between Batu City Social Service officers and the community (still selective) is one of the reasons why PKH assistance has not been targeted. The purpose of this study was to find out how the Services at the Social Service in the distribution of PKH Funds were distributed, and to find out what the inhibiting and supporting factors were for the Services at the Social Service in the Disbursement of the Family Hope Program (PKH) Funds. There is a strong commitment between the Central Government and the Regional Government in the success of the Family Hope Program in order to break the chain of poverty in Batu City. Strong support from the Central Government, Regional Government, PKH Facilitator Officers, and PKH Beneficiary Community, in an effort to improve the standard of living for the poor in Batu City.

Abstract: Poverty is a scourge for human life, everything must be done immediately so that people can get out of the cycle of poverty. Various programs were also launched by the government to be able to help people who are exposed to financial powerlessness. The Family Hope Program is one of the efforts made by the government but the distribution of funds for the PKH program until now is still not right on target, this is because the Batu City government continues to use population census data that has not been updated or old data (Kompasiana). The proximity factor between Batu City Social Service officers and the community (still selective) is one of the reasons why PKH assistance has not been targeted. The purpose of this study was to find out how the Services at the Social Service in the distribution of PKH Funds were distributed, and to find out what the inhibiting and supporting factors were for the Services at the Social Service in the Disbursement of the Family Hope Program (PKH) Funds. There is a strong commitment between the Central Government and the Regional Government in the success of the Family Hope Program in order to break the chain of poverty in Batu City. Strong support from the Central Government, Regional Government, PKH Facilitator Officers, and PKH Beneficiary Community, in an effort to improve the standard of living for the poor in Batu City.


Pelayanan, Pemerataan penyaluran, Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH)

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