Nonok Supartini, Hariadi Darmawan


The aim of this research to examine feed nutrients of market waste processed as hen feed supplementation and to identify the best processed of market waste as hen feed supplementation. This research held at Field Laboratory of Agriculture Faculty Tribhuwana Tunggadewi University, Tlogomas, Malang for processed the market waste and at Feed Nutrition of Animal Husbandry Faculty Brawijaya University, Veteran Street, Malang. Materials used were vegetables and fish waste from the local market which classified in the waste group of green vegetables, tomatoes, sprouts and fish bone. Each of groups treated with under siege processed treatment, sun-dried processed treatment, boiled processed treatment and steamed process treatment. Each of group treatments used durability checked of feed supplementation by organoleptic inspection. This inspection is done for every 2 hours for 6 hours a day. This inspection done during 20 days. The result concluded that under siege processed treatment of market waste was the best process for durability feed supplementation. The boiled processed treatment was the worst processed for durability feed supplementation. 


Market waste; processed; durability; feed supplementation.

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