Astri Sumiati, Sutoyo Sutoyo, Astutik Astutik, Susilo Ribut Anggarbeni, Karolus Asan Boli Ama


This study aimed to identify and know the associated insects and their role in sweet corn plants. This study used a non-factorial randomized block design (RBD) with three kinds of treatment; yellow traps, net traps, and ground traps. Each treatment was repeated nine times so that there were 27 experimental units. In each treatment plot, the sample size is 3m x 1m. Sampling of insects on corn plants using net traps, yellow traps, and soil traps. The result showed that found 1,012 insects, from 8 Ordo and 25 families in sweet corn plants. In the vegetative phase found 636 insects in various roles. 408 insects are pests and 228 insects that are natural enemies. A total of 406 insects were found in the generative phase, 196 of which were pests and 210 were natural enemies.


Associate; identification; insect; plant; sweet corn

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