Wirawan Wirawan, Budi Santosa


anana is a fruit that is abundant potential, In the city of Malang many processed food
products such as banana chips, peanut butter and fried bananas. It results in a potential
banana skin that has been utilized. To provide more benefits for the banana skin, it
needs to be further processed into semi-finished products such as flour. Potential
banana skin made of flour is very appropriate, because it contains 18.50%
polysaccharides. This study aims to determine the concentration of starch and sodium
metabisulfite banana peel right in edible coating to extend the shelf life of peeled
barking. This study is to assess changes in quality of bark peeled coated starchcontaining anti-browning during storage. The research methods include the extraction
of starch from banana skin and coating fruits with starch Salacca zalacca peeled banana
skin anti enzymatic browning. Also the characterization of quality changes during
storage barking Salacca zalacca peel. Research using a completely randomized design
(CRD) are arranged with 2 factors. The first factor is starch banana peel which consists
of 3 levels and the second factor namely Na-metabisulfite which consists of 3 levels
with 3 replications. The results showed that the peel fruits Salacca zalacca edible coated
with a coating giving the best average in all observation parameters namely water
content (83.71%), acidity (0.28%), vitamin C (4:53%), texture (246.225 N)


Banana Skin Flour, Edible Coating, peeled Salacca zalacca

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