Eko Marhaeniyanto, Sri Susanti


Research using potential local leguminosa to used supplementation with basal diet rice straw to effort effects on intake, nutrient digestibility and daily gain sheep. Research materials consisted of 16 rams, average body weight 13,10 ± 0,4 kg, placed in 16 individual cages. Treatment of feed used are rice straw, Gliricidia maculata and Leucaena leucocephala. Research methods in vivo experiments with randomized block design (RBD), which consists of 4 treatments and 4 replications. The treatment consisted of level legume supplementation on R0 (0%), R1 (0.25%), R2 (0.5%), and R3 (1.0%). The results legume supplementation on basal diet of rice straw showed very significant on feed intake, digestibility and intake digested of feed (P<0.01). The highest response to intake of dry matter (DMI), organic matter (OMI), and crude protein (CPI) contained in R3 were DMI = 186,95 g/head BW0, 75/day; OMI = 152,49 g/head BW0, 75/day; CPI = 25.03 g/head BW0, 75/day. This response is linier with the high levels of digestibility and intake digested. R3 were digestibility DM = 45.07%; digestibility OM = 53.46%; digestibility CP = 67.64%, intake digested DM = 145.48 g/head BW0,75/day; intake digested OM = 130.50 g/head BW0,75/day; intake digested CP = 1.99 g/head BW0,75/day; Respon to daily gain and feed conversion is not significant (P>0.05). Conclution in this research: supplemented legume Gliricidia maculata and Leucaena leucocephala 1.0% BW on basal diet rice straw shows feed intake, digestibility and daily gain tend to give better performance


supplementation, leguminosa,rice straw, performance, sheep

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