Sunarsih Yudawati, Fitria Aisyah


In this study, the research sampling method used total sampling technique, namely a sampling technique where the number of samples was the same as the population. Samples taken from this study were 30 mothers who experienced abortion. The data obtained were then analyzed using a descriptive statistical approach. By using multiple linear regression models. The t value of anemia variable (X1) is 32,958> 2,048, which means that there is a significant relationship between anemia (X1) and the incidence of abortion (Y). The t value of the chronic energy deficiency variable (X2) is 31.875> 2.048 t table means that there is a significant relationship between chronic energy deficiency (X2) and the incidence of abortion (Y). The calculated F value of 995.314> from the F value of 0.05 (3.35) means that there is a significant simultaneous or simultaneous relationship between anemia (X1) and chronic energy deficiency (X2), and the incidence of abortion (Y). The regression coefficient value (Rsquare) of 0.987 means that the relationship between the independent variables and with the  occurrence of abortion is 98.7%, while the other 1.3% is influenced by other factors not examined. Judging from the relationship between the two independent variables (X) to the dependent variable (Y), it can be concluded that the anemia variable X1 is more dominant in the incidence of abortion (Y) as evidenced by the value of t count 32.958> t table 2.048.


Abortion, Anemia, and Chronic Energy Deficiency

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