Seno Aji Wahyono, Catharina Aprilia Hellyani, Liem Gai Sin


This study aims to analyze the influence of identity, image, and trust on brand loyalty Honda motorcycles in Malang. Using quantitative methods with a population of 2,364 users in Malang City, a sample of 100 respondents was taken through purposive sampling. The data was obtained through a questionnaire survey which was tested with multiple linear regression. The results show that brand identity affects brand loyalty with a significance of 0.000 and a regression value of 0.376; in addition, the brand image has a significant value of 0.001 and a regression value of 0.341; brand trust has a significance value of 0.005 and a regression value of 0.295; and brand identity, brand image, and brand trust simultaneously affect brand loyalty with a significance value of 0.000 which indicates a positive relationship to brand loyalty. This is due to the advantages of Honda motorcycles in terms of advanced technological features and saving gasoline, as well as attractive appearance and design


identity; image; trust; loyalty; brand

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