Sukron Ma’mun


Abstract: Evaluation of Advanced Development program is carried out so that the program can run effectively, so have a positive impact on the development of youth in Pamekasan Regency and its surroundings. Based on the theory forward by Solichin Abdul Wahab, the parameters or benchmarks of the effectiveness of a program or policy measured by equality = Result versus Objectives, Advanced Coaching program at UPT PSBR Pamekasan can be said to be effective if the results achieved are in accordance with the expected goals. This research was conducted at UPT PSBR Pamekasan. The method used is descriptive qualitative so that the data collected is in the form of interview and documentation. Data analysis uses Domain Analysis techniques. The results showed that the results achieved in the Advanced Coaching program at UPT PSBR Pamekasan were in accordance with the objectives of Advanced Guidance program for youth who had been nurtured, namely providing community guidance, providing business development assistance guidance and providing guidance for strenght business improvement, so it could be conclusion that Advanced Development program implemented by UPT PSBR Pamekasan is quite effective.

Keyword: Effectiveness Evaluation, Advanced Coaching, Problematic Youth

Abstrak: Kegiatan evaluasi terhadap program Pembinaan Lanjut dilakukan agar program tersebut dapat berjalan efektif, sehingga memberikan dampak positif terhadap perkembangan remaja di Kabupaten Pamekasan dan sekitarnya. Berdasarkan teori yang dikemukakan Solichin Abdul Wahab, parameter atau tolok ukur efektivitas suatu program atau kebijakan diukur dengan persamaan = hasil berbanding tujuan, program Pembinaan Lanjut di UPT PSBR Pamekasan dapat dikatakan efektif apabila hasil yang dicapai sesuai dengan tujuan yang diharapkan. Penelitian ini dilakukan di UPT PSBR Pamekasan. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif sehingga data yang dikumpulkan berupa data hasil wawancara dan dokumentasi. Analisis datanya menggunakan teknik Analisis Domain. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hasil yang dicapai pada program Pembinaan Lanjut di UPT PSBR Pamekasan sesuai tujuan program Pembinaan Lanjut terhadap remaja yang telah dibina, yaitu memberikan bimbingan bermasyarakat, memberikan bimbingan bantuan pengembangan usaha dan memberikan bimbingan pemantapan peningkatan usaha, sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa program Pembinaan Lanjut yang dilaksanakan oleh UPT PSBR Pamekasan sudah cukup Efektif.

Kata Kunci: Evaluasi Efektivitas, Pembinaan Lanjut, Remaja Bermasalah

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