Measuring Prevalence of Burnout among Nurses in Hospital Ward

Rosly Zunaedi


Burnout is a phenomenon commonly found in nurses, arising from chronic work fatigue. It is a detrimental and impactful syndrome that affects not only the individual, but also the organization and the patients. This study aims to determine the prevalence of burnout syndrome in nurses working in hospital wards. The research design used is descriptive quantitative. The population in this study comprises 78 nurses who worked in the inpatient room of a private hospital in Malang Regency. The sampling technique used was total sampling. Data were collected using the MBI (Maslach Burnout Inventory) questionnaire which contains 22 items designed to assess burnout symptoms in health workers. The MBI measures three indicators of burnout: emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and reduced personal accomplishment. The value ranges for low, medium, and high risk are 0–18, 19–26, and >26 for emotional exhaustion; 0–5, 6–9, >9 for depersonalization; and 0-33, 34–39, >39 for reduced personal accomplishment. Burnout is determined if emotional exhaustion and Depersonalization are both "high", or if emotional exhaustion is "high" and personal accomplishment is "low". The results of this study showed that 7.7% of nurses experienced burnout, 71.8% of nurses experienced symptoms of emotional exhaustion in the low category, all respondents experienced symptoms of depersonalization in the low category, and symptoms of self-achievement as many as 52.6% of nurses are in the low category. The conclusion of this research is that only a few respondents experienced burnout. However, the risk of burnout still exists, as indicated by the low personal accomplishment among respondents. Identifying factors that influence burnout can help to better understand this phenomenon nurses.


Burnout, Nurses, Hospital Ward

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