Ida Rahmawati, Doby Purwanto


Cases of fever due to infection in the world have increased every year. Temperatures above 38 ° C often cause seizures and death. Nursing intervention is needed in an effort to reduce fever in children. This study aims to study the effectiveness of giving warm and cold compresses to changes in body temperature in children in the edelweiss room Dr. M. Yunus Bengkulu. The study design uses a quasi-experimental design with two groups pretest postest design. The population in this study were all pediatric patients who experienced an increase in body temperature in Edelweis Room Dr. M. Yunus Bengkulu. The number of samples is 30 people with accidental sampling technique. The normality test uses the Shapiro-Wilk test. Statistical test uses independent t-test. Warm compress normality test obtained P value = 0.052> 0.05. Cold compress normality test obtained a value of P = 0.050 = 0.05 which means that all data are normally distributed. T-test results of two samples obtained value of t = -2.030 is priced to be t = 2.030 with P-Value = 0.029 <0.05, which means significant. The results showed the effectiveness of giving warm and cold compresses to body temperature in children in the edelweiss room Dr. M. Yunus Bengkulu, with warm compresses is more effective for lowering body temperature.


Warm Compresses; Cold Compresses; Body Temperature

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