Hubungan antara Faktor Maternal dengan Kejadian Bayi Stunting 0-6 bulan di Kabupaten Asmat Provinsi Papua

Yustitio Nora Veronica, Ambrosius Purba, Anita Deborah Anwar


ABSTRACT This research was motivated by the issue of the incidence of stunting in infants aged 0-6 months in Asmat Regency, Province of Papua. Stunting is a growth disorder that occurs due to chronic malnutrition and / or chronic infectious conditions so that the body's condition becomes short and very short to exceed the deficit-2SD below the median length or height. Chronic malnutrition and chronic infectious diseases are allegedly related to maternal factors. This study was an observational analytic study with a case-control study design in 146 respondents divided into 2 groups. The case group consisted of 73 mothers who had a stunting baby aged 0-6 months and the control group consisted of 73 mothers who had a non-stunting baby aged 0-6 months. This research was conducted in Asmat Regency, Province of Papua for 2 months using a questionnaire checklist. To determine the relationship of maternal factors to the incidence of stunting used the Chi-Square Test and the Double Logistic Regression Analysis test. Correlation test results between the nutritional status factors of breastfeeding mothers with the incidence of stunting infants aged 0-6 months was p = 0.001, the relationship of the age factor of the first pregnant mother with the incidence of stunting infants aged 0-6 months was p = 0.001, and the relationship between disease history during pregnancy with the incidence of stunting infants aged 0-6 months is p=0.00. The results of multiple logistic regression analysis showed the factors of comorbidities during pregnancy had a strong influence OR = 67.64 on the incidence of stunting infants aged 0-6 months and nutritional status factors of breastfeeding mothers also had a strong influence OR = 6,392 on the incidence of stunting infants aged 0-6 months. The results of this study indicate that maternal factors: factors nutritional status of breastfeeding mothers, the age factor of the first pregnant woman, and a history of comorbidities during pregnancy have a relationship with stunting infants aged 0-6 months, but who have the most strong influence on the incidence of stunting infants 0-6 months is a history of comorbidities during pregnancy and nutritional status of nursing mothers.


Maternal factors, nutritional status of breastfeeding mothers, age of first pregnant mother, history of comorbidities during pregnancy, stunting, infants aged 0-6 months

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