Bambang Siswanto, Wahyu Fikrinda


The increasing need of land from year to year results in the narrowness of fertile and potential agricultural land. This condition causes an imbalance of land use, which can directly harm the agricultural sector. To be able to utilize land resources in a directed and efficient manner, it is necessary to provide complete data and information about land characteristics and land use requirements that will be cultivated. Information in the form of land characteristics and land use requirements is needed in land evaluation activities. Land evaluation conducted by using ALES program (autometed land evaluation system), in addition to facilitate the process can also be used for the evaluation of land economically. To evaluation land physical and economical for maize, cabbage, potato and carrot in Tulungrejo, Batu. This research was conducted in Tulungrejo Substrict region in Tulungrejo, Batu observation map plan soil and economic social data processing, evaluation model on ALES program. The research result was 17 soil mapping unit (SMU) according to soil survei result which consist of soil taxonomi with its spread SMU 1 Andic Dytrudepts, SMU 2 Andic Dystrudepts and Typic Melanudands, SMU 3 Andic Dystrudepts and Typic Melanudans, SMU 4 Typic Melanudands, SMU 5 Andic Dystrudepts and Typic Melanudands, SMU 6 Humic Pachic Dystrudepts, SMU 7 Ruptic Alfic Dystrudepts, SMU 8 Andic Dystrudepts, Tupic Dystrudepts and Typic Melanudands, SMU 9 Typic Hapludans, SMU 10 Typic Melanudands, SMU 11 Typic Hapludands and Andic Hapludolls, SMU 12 Typic Hapludands and Humic Dystrudepts, SMU 13 Typic Hapludands and Inceptic Hapludalfs, SMU 14 Typic Hapludolls, SMU 14 Typic Hapludolls, SMU 15 Typic Hydrudands, SMU 16 Typic Melanudands and Andic Dystrudepts, SMU 17 Typic Udipsamments. Generally the ALES physical land suitability result for maize: S3-eh/nf/nr/rc, S2-nr/rc/wa, S3-oa and N-oa, cabbage S3-eh, S3-eh/nr, S3-nf, S3-rc and N-oa, potato S2-eh/nr, S2-nf, S3-nr, S3-oa and N-oa while for carrot S3-nf , N-eh. Economical land suitability value of maize, cabbage and potato on N1, N2 and S3 while for carrot is S1 because nothing limited class. General the ALES economical suitability result was profitable because there ware no negative (-) economical matric value.


Land, evaluation, ALES program

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